Dear Bump: A Letter to My Rainbow Baby on the Night Before His Birth
Tomorrow, we’ll both be born.
Dear Bump
Tomorrow we’ll both be born. Me — as a first-time mother and you — fresh and squalling into this crazy, beautiful world.
You’re squirming around inside me as I write to you…it’s a feeling I’ve grown quite used to. We are so entwined now that movements which once startled me, occasionally escape unnoticed by my brain. Not tonight though.
Tonight, I am cataloguing every little wriggle, every series of hiccups, every foot stretched high into my ribs. Because by this time tomorrow, you and I will be two separate beings and the greatest dream I’ve ever had for myself — to be your Mama — will be realized.
This pregnancy, things haven’t exactly gone to plan.
But then again, nothing about having a child really has for your Daddy and I. From that very first loss to now, it’s been one twist and turn after the other. Every moment has been a lesson in patience. An opportunity to practice grace and acceptance.
Yet, even now — as we prepare for a bit of a bumpy landing — I am filled with an incredible sense of gratitude for this experience. Even when things have been difficult, even when I have…